to 1.120705 [Stampied]
Development update!!
ShellRaptor: A command-line SQL Utility; Supports any JDBC compliant database.
Release 12.07.05 http://shellraptor.sourceforge.net
One new change in this release: now includes the ability to load both .jar and .zip
library extensions.
There is a new feature included in this release that allows for the loading, creation,
execution and saving of PreparedStatements.
These work with by using the following commands (also available with help;)
load-ps |
load-ps <file> Load an XML Prepared Statement File |
init-ps |
init-ps <name> <prepared statement> Create the prepared statement |
load-ps |
list-ps list the alias names of all available prepared statements that are available |
exec-ps |
exec-ps <alias> <args1>, <args2>, <args...n> Execute the prepared Statement and use
the given values |
save-ps |
save-ps <output file> Saves the prepared statements in memory -in xml format- |
to 1.0:09.27.05 [Denison]
Have some people failing to get the drivers to load. At first I was skeptical...then I realized what
was causing the fault. The software is -NOT- configured to recognize .zip
extensions as valid libraries. When I release the next version this will be
Until then, grab the source and edit com.gravitysoft.sqltuil.ClassloadManager
on line 35 before the last ){ enter a new line and add:
|| item.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP")
The corrected code should look like this...
if (item.isFile()
&& item.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().endsWith(".JAR")
|| item.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP")) {
then rerun ant to rebuild the application.
Release 1.0:09.27.05 [Denison]
A lot of bug fixes, code modification and some basic optimization lead off.
However, the big change is the new STDOUT function. It allows the program to
be ran in psudo-commandline mode. It still requires a config file and doesn't
allow you to actually enter sql -at- the command line.
The new features can be used as follows:
***** Default Mode *****
edit conf/stdout.xml Set the parameters how you want them (explanation of files
is listed farther down)
java -jar shellraptor.jar --stdout
to config an use differant files, use
java -jar shellraptor.jar --stdout=./conf/myShell.xml
**************** HELP COMMANDS ****************
help Available commands
open <alias> <password> Open a new connection based on
dbconfig entry. Password is optional
list-alias Show the list of available aliases in the
dbconfig file
list-tables List database tables
list-dbinfo List database information
list-index <table> Explain the index plan for the supplied
-silent Silent mode, no result sets returned
-verbose Verbose mode, result sets returned
desc <table> Describe the table schema
select ... basic sql commands
drop <table> Drop the given table
create <table...> Create the given table
@<file> Open and execute the listed file
#<file> <sql> save sql results to...
#<file.out> @<file.in> [reversable] Read in and write to..
set maxrowcount <#> Set the max @ of return results
(must be supported by
your supplied driver)
exit Exit the Application
ShellRaptor (2005): Command Line SQL Utility
Base Arguements
-s <saveOutputTo_File>
-mx <maximumRowCountResults>
-test (-only- test connectivity)
-h (this help screen)
--stdout Use a config file (default is conf/xml) to execute command
from the command line to stdout
--stdout=<input.File> Provide a config file to
executeConnection Arguements
1) no arguements uses default config file conf\dbconf.xml
2) External Config File
-c <config file>
3) Command Line Values
-d <driver>
-u <connection-url>
-l <username>
-p <password
*** COMMENTS ***
It is possible to use a config and override the values
of that file by supplying driver, url..etc values.
For example;
java -jar ShellRaptor.jar -c myconf.xml -d newest.Version.ofSomeDriver.jar
Dev Notes:
The new stdout command set presently only supports select. I would like to
add the delete, update and create functionality at some point but that will
have to wait for now. My work load is beyond imagination.
alias Name of the database alias in the
conf/dbconf.xml file
password Supply a password if one is not provided in the
conf/dbconf.xml file
outputfile Path and file to save output to. Setting this tag
as 'stdout' will
pipe the output directly to the command line
delimiter Delimiter used to separate the results. -NO-
default is provided
with-column-names [true/false] Display column headers. -NO-
default is provided
silent [true/false] Display connection, logging information. Used when the
application is being called by external resources
and output needs
to be piped to another file
StdOut Example File
<!-- to dump to the command line only, set your outputfile = stdout
<sql>select * from ATBAT</sql>
<!-- pipe out columns name true/false -->
<!-- Show -ONLY- results...not details true/false -->
</raptor> |
Release 1.0
functional, stable release has been pushed to the mirrors. Testing
has been done on Linux, Solaris, Mac and windows for Oracle, MySQL and
SQLServer. This release now supports all of the following
**************** HELP COMMANDS ****************
help Available commands
open <alias> Open a new connection based on
dbconfig entry
list-alias Show the list of available aliases in
the dbconfig file
list-tables List database tables
list-dbinfo List database information
list-index <table> Explain the index plan for the supplied table
desc <table> Describe the table schema
select ... basic sql commands
drop <table> Drop the given table
create <table...> Create the given table
@<file> Open and execute the listed file
#<file> <sql> save sql results to...
#<file.out> @<file.in> [reversible] Read in and write to..
set maxrowcount <#> Set the max @ of return results
(must be supported by your supplied driver)
exit Exit the Application |
Notes |
don't believe it was ever made clear that the program supports
-multiple databases on demand-. This is done by taking
advantage of the 'open <alias>' command. Open and
configure conf/dbconf.xml. If you download the source file I
have included an example for mysql, oracle and sqllserver.
Quick tutorial on
multiple database support. Once you have connected from the
shell editor execute
>> list-alias;
Alias [default] U
RL [jdbc:mysql://raptorDB/stattracker]
Alias [raptor-test] URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@raptorDB:1521:rtest]
Alias [raptor-prod] URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@raptorDB:1521:rprod]
Alias [ms-test] URL [jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://raptorDB:1433;DatabaseName=raptor]
{Runtime: [0 seconds]}
>> open raptor-test;
OPEN CONNECTION [raptor-test]
Connectvity Info:
Driver [oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver]
URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@raptorDB:1521:rtest]
Username [ioexcept]
Password [********]
Max Rows [-1]
[raptor-test] Connection status [Open]
That's all there
is to it. I hope helps in expressing some of the flexibility I
have tried to instill into this application. |
the idea
behind the technology |
I work exclusively in
the *nix environment and when I VPN in from the house during
non-traditional business hours I always find myself needing to
connect to one of the databases that are not mapped to any shell
(MS SQLServer to be very precise). This always causes mass
problems and, in the end, forces me to drive up to work in the
middle of the night and when it finally interrupted a solid raid
in World of Warcraft I had had enough! So here we are. |
Purpose |
users with a java based ( will run on any java compatible system
that has a JRE/JDK installed) command line SQL utility/editor that
supports any database that you can provide a TYPE-4 JDBC driver
for. |
does it work? |
Drop your jar (only supports .jar
extensions presently) into the $RAPTOR_HOME/lib folder and start
the jar file: java -jar shellRaptor.jar
Line |
ShellRaptor (2005): Command Line SQL Utility
Base Arguements
-s <saveOutputTo_File>
-mx <maximumRowCountResults>
-test (-only- test connectivity)
-h (this help screen)
Connection Arguments
1) no arguments uses default config file conf\dbconf.xml
2) External Config File
-c <config file>
3) Command Line Values
-d <driver>
-u <connection-url>
-l <username>
-p <password
*** COMMENTS ***
It is possible to use a config and override the values
of that file by supplying driver, url..etc values.
For example;
java -jar ShellRaptor.jar -c myconf.xml \
-d newest.Version.ofSomeDriver.jar